Our mindset determines our experience of life.
Today I had the pleasure of playing 18 holes of golf with Sukchul Kang (Ken) and Kylie Kwon. I love these days when I'm paired with people I haven't met - it allows me an opportunity to connect and hear their stories and their aspirations.
Ken is machine when it comes to practicing golf - taking lessons every fortnight for years and spending up to 12 hours practicing hitting golf balls into a practice net (with the callouses to prove it!).
Standing on the tee box of the 3rd hole, I watch Ken step up to his ball and as he walks towards the ball he says:
"I don't like this hole. I always hit a bad tee shot here."
It's a tight hole with a boundary fence on the left. So what do you think happens next? Yep, he hits it straight left over the fence..
Knowing what I know and living my passion for helping people create limitless mindsets, I couldn't help myself and asked Ken "Do you mind if I give you some advice?".
"To play good golf, you need the right mindset. You need to focus on what you want, not what you don't want."
"When you say to yourself 'Don't Go Left', all your mind hears is 'GO LEFT'!"
"Tell your mind to do what you want it to do - in the clearest language you can."
The human mind does not process negatives.
Ken acknowledges my point and starts applying it.
Next hole - he hits his drive straight down the middle.
Next hole - straight down the middle again.
Boom, boom, boom - he fires them straight down the middle.
Ken then steps up to a super tight hole where he has lost the most balls. With anticipation, I watch as he swings.
"Boom!" - straight down the middle again!
Ken proceeds to play an amazing back nine - we're high-fiving, laughing and sharing stories about our past. Kylie Kwon is also playing some awesome golf and we're cheering each other on.
Ken then told me what a huge difference having the right focus made to his game today after the advice I gave him. He managed to shift it in very small amount of time and produced results he couldn't even imagine.
The problem with beliefs is that we believe ALL our beliefs. What we don't realise is that we get to choose which of our beliefs we want to keep, and which ones we want to get rid off.
Getting rid of unwanted beliefs is a process and with the right help, can definitely be done and set you free!
Don't hang on to the beliefs that don't serve you.
As Wayne Dyer says "When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at start to change".

Much Love