How many of your dreams or goals have you brushed under the carpet? Because you were afraid you would fail, because you didn't feel worthy of success, because of fear? The main purpose of our subconscious is to keep us safe, to keep us comfortable by repeating patterns we are used to. These patterns were useful in protecting our pre-historic ancestors from their predators but no longer serve us in this modern world. The good news is that the subconscious is a program that you have 100% ability to rewrite! The only way to create the life you yearn for, the one that fulfils you, free of your self-limiting beliefs and subconscious patterns is to lean into the fear and do what scares you, learn from the experience and do it again! If you want something you've never had, you need to do something you've never done. Take action, fail, adjust, repeat, LIVE... What dreams can you release when you lean into your fear? 🙏❤️
