Not Invincible
What if you could basically become invincible in life?
‘Invincible’ is defined by the Oxford Dictionary as: “ too powerful to be defeated or overcome.”
Sometimes to understand what something IS, you need to understand what it ISN’T.
So when you’re NOT invincible, you:
Are easily overcome by your situation which ends up with you feeling stressed, stuck and powerless
Blame others for the undesired situations you find yourself in and insist the only solution is if other people change
React emotionally from your ego which usually makes things worse
Focus on blaming others as the source and solution to your problems
Focus on blaming others and use that as an excuse not to take action
Notice how the cause of the problem and solution in these scenarios are all outside ourselves? By expecting this, we literally GIVE our power away where change can only happen if something outside of us changes!
What we need to realise is that We all have the power of choice – the choice to decide what to focus on, what to think, what to FEEL.
Yes, I said “What to FEEL”. When people say something that insults us, they don’t MAKE us feel insulted. Some sounds merely left their lips in the form of words.
These words are then interpreted via our lens on the world and our ego which results in an emotional trigger creating the feeling of being insulted. No one can MAKE us feel anything. We create the emotions through our view of ourselves and the world. If we change our lens on the world, can change the reaction to an empowering one.
Our subconscious is our friend, until it's not
Our default emotional responses live in our subconscious. Their purpose is to keep us safe, to keep us in what is familiar based on our experiences and the meaning we take from those experiences. This is where fear lives..
Sadly, not everything that is familiar is good for us in this day and age. Fear of judgement, fear of not being good enough, fear of not fitting in, fear of failure - these are all interlinked and the most common fear of all. We ALL have this fear.
The irony about these fears though is that they're based on misunderstanding. I'll explain. Between the ages of 0-6, any time they don't get attention or love from their parents, they instinctively blame themselves. "My mother won't spend time with me. She enjoys her phone more than she does playing with me. There must be something wrong with me."
Mr. X
Or take the case of one of my clients - let's call him Mr X. As a young kid, he used to love walking home from school with his friends. He didn't live far away from school at all. Although his mother allowed him to walk with his friends, she would drive alongside him as he walked home with his friends. This behaviour of over-worrying carried on in other areas of his life and made Mr. X conclude that his mother didn't think he was capable of looking after himself - that he was not enough.
In a coaching session, we identified that he was self-sabotaging by talking himself out of doing things that were good for him (like regular exercise) - even in the face of imminent death (he was extremely overweight and didn't expect to be around in 5 years). This feeling of not being good enough and self-sabotage ran his life because it was so deeply imprinted in his subconscious.
We went back in time to his mother's childhood and found out that she was sent to a foster home at a very young age because her parents had split up. She spent a number of years in foster care and I can only imagine how scary that could be to a young child being in the home of people you didn't know - away from anything familiar and safe.
Mr. X realised that his mother was projecting her fear of the world, her past of not having felt safe, her view that the world is a dangerous place onto him resulting in her over-protective behaviour. I'm glad to report that Mr. X has lost 10kg so far and is sticking to the exercise routine we've agreed on and has changed his eating habits. More onMr. X in future editions.
How to your subconscious your friend
"When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at start to change." - Bruce Lipton
By understanding your emotional responses and finding the underlying pattern and cause for that pattern, we can reprogram your subconscious and create default patterns that are empowering and powerful that will propel you to the life you deserve!
One of the most powerful moments for me on my journey was when I found out that you CAN reprogram your subconscious - that your subconscious doesn't know the difference between a memory or a visualisation. The power of visualisation is mind-boggling. More of that in future. Subscribe to my blog to get updates when I publish more.
I'm hoping by now you are becoming aware of the amazing possibilities that are available to you. No matter what happens around you, you will always move forward. You will never be stuck. You will never be overwhelmed. You will never depend on someone else to make you happy. You will never give your power away again. You will never be powerless.
So, to be INVINCIBLE, you have to:
Always recognise that YOU have the power of CHOICE
Always look for ways around or beyond any obstacles that come your way. There always options.
Be aware of your emotional reactions, knowing that they are natural BUT choose to respond with your outcome in mind.
Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom
- Viktor Frankl (Man's Search for Meaning)
Taking positive action instead of blaming others
Focus on self growth vs blaming
Your current reality is the one you were given based on your upbringing and conditioning. Unfortunately for some of you, it has resulted in a disempowering and powerless lens of the world.
I can help you regain your power and become INVINCIBLE.
Get in touch for a free 1 hour session to start exploring the reality you inherited so we can start creating the reality you deserve.
Much Love
