If you're feeling stuck, always know that you are only ONE decision away from a totally new life. Your decision doesn't have to a grandiose or massive decision. It just needs to be a small one - a small decision to CHANGE. When you've made that decision, then you just have to DO something you wouldn't normally do, based on that decision. Again - it doesn't have to be massive. It could be as small as watching different types of YouTube videos or having a conversation about a topic you normally wouldn't have. Whatever you need to support the change you want to see in yourself. I made my ONE decision a few years ago to change. That decision led to a small action which opened up opportunities for other decisions, bigger decisions that brought different people into my life who were taking the same journey which eventually helped me find my purpose. To change the direction of your life, you need to change who you are - one decision at a time. I wouldn't have even thought of posting anything like this 3 years ago. I'm so grateful I made my ONE decision to change. What ONE decision can you make today to start taking steps toward the life that you want?
